Category: news

cheerful news

Hello dear readers. It’s very cheering to be able to say I won a prize in a competition (although you have won third prize in a competition sounds very much like Monopoly!). ‘getting the summer clothes out of storage’ is one of the poems from the new book (light-of-day date as yet unknown), but you can read it here, if you’d like to.
Usual post will be up tomorrow. See you then.

it’s been a while

And shit has been more and less together in the meantime, but at last I’m able to anticipate regular posting again. Hurrah! I thought I’d start with a simple one, partly because it’s about my other work as a therapist (which has swallowed a lot of my time in the last year) and partly because I’m chuffed that it was chosen as an entry in the Samaritans Book of Hope anthology. Here it is:

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strange but true

I picked up an email from my non-fiction site the other day. Having decided it wasn’t spam—they didn’t want to sell me Ray Bans or improve my performance in search engines or the bedroom—I replied to it and found myself in conversation with Kate Winslet’s assistant (as you do). Kate, as I must now call her, wanted to read one of my poems at a charity event the following night. Well…. okaaaay then.

How heartening to know that such an International Cheese was involving herself with a local good cause. I feel proud to have been read for such a purpose, and in such company. Unfortunately I don’t have a recording but I do have the delight of my work being chosen. ‘Poetry makes nothing happen’, eh? You just never know.

Tuesday night

Hello all. A reminder that I’m taking part in an online reading on Tuesday 14th September, at Flight of the Dragonfly. You can get tickets at the site. I’ll be reading some pieces from my next collection, hungers, as well as some which are already out there in the world. Be lovely to “see” you if you can come.

pleasing news

A quick post to let you know that I’ve recently won the Ware Poetry Sonnet Prize, with the poem I wrote for my mother shortly before she died. The competition was judged by the splendid, and local-to-me, Kim Moor. It was interesting reading her judge’s report because…

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a guest

I’m delighted to let you know that this week’s poetry column will be guest-authored for us by Nigel Kent, a poet and reviewer who’s a fellow Hedgehog Press poet. His piece will be out on Thursday at 11, as usual, and will look at a piece by Ted Kooser. I’m looking forward to being introduced to a new poet. See you then!

read all about it

Just wanted to let you know that shades of blue has been reviewed here, on my colleague Nigel Kent’s site. Definitely a read it and purr situation for me! The other good news is that Nigel is going to be a guest columnist here for us in a couple of weeks’ time, which I’m very much looking forward to. A treat for me to be surprised by someone else’s choice.
And before then, of course, I’ll see you on Thursday, as usual.

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