publications & prizes

forthcoming publications are indicated with an *


Bangor 11th Interational Poetry Prize, longlisted

Book of Hope anthology (Samaritans), ‘therapy: a paradoxical love’

Shelley Memorial Project International Poetry Competition, third prize, ‘getting the summer clothes out of storage‘ (j. Liz Barnes)

Welsh Poetry Competition, special mention, ‘the instinct’ (j. Kathy Miles)

Wildfire Words ‘The beginning of the end’, winner ‘a box of frightened’, longlisted ‘cross-section‘ (j. Marilyn Tims)

Winchester Poetry Prize, commended, ‘the two mercies’ (j. Clare Shaw)


The E.H.P. Barnard Spring Poetry Prize 2023, highly commended, ‘just a hint of chicken licken’ (j. Sarah Smith)

Hammond House International Literary Competition, highly commended, ‘stopping the bleeding’

The Hyacinth Review, ‘clinging to the cloth monkey

Plough Prize 2023, highly commended, ‘reminder’ (j. Imtiaz Dharker)

Ware Poetry Sonnet Prize 2023, winner, ‘bread of heaven’ (j. Greta Stoddart)


Bedford International Writing Competition, shortlisted (j. Jessica Mookherjee)

‘about 18 weeks’ and ‘the two mercies’, commended, Lord Whisky (j. Derek Sellen)


192, ‘dusk at the shore

Acumen International Poetry Competition, highly commended (j. Martyn Crucefix & Mimi Khalvati)

Bedford International Writing Competition, longlisted (j Lesley Saunders)

‘witness’ and ‘the garden of the accidental trees’, Crow Name Issue 3

‘look away now’, Drawn to the Light

Lord Whisky Sanctuary Fund Poetry Competition, third place, ‘doing it properly’ (j. Victoria Field)

Poetry Kit competition, commended (j Jim Bennett)

Segora Poetry Competition, winner, ‘the behaviours of sheep’; plus two highly commended (j. Derek Sellen)

Ware Poetry Sonnet Prize, winner, ‘canticle: on the beauty of my other’s knees’ (j. Kim Moore)

Welsh Poetry Competition, special mention (j. Kathy Miles)

York Literary Review, ‘the coming of looked-forward-to things’


anthropocene, ‘staring at the sun

Aurora Poetry Competition, shortlisted (j. Helen Mort)

Bedford International Writing Competition, third prize, ‘a recurring drama in one act’ (j Nick Everett)

Cake, ‘matins’ and ‘fisheye’

Channel 3, ‘not Inspirational

East Riding Poetry Competition, special mention, ‘being ok’ (j James Nash,Wendy Pratt and Matthew Hedley Stoppard)

Fly on the Wall, ‘depakote’

Gloucester Open Poetry Competition, “long shortlisted” (j. Belinda Rimmer)

Hedgehog Poetry Press, shades of blue

Hedgehog Poetry Press Challenge, winner, wish you were here (j Mark Davidson)

Pennine Platform, ‘looking for stuff the solicitor needs

Segora Poetry Competition, third prize, ‘driving away‘, & two further commended entries (j. Martyn Crucefix)

Spoonfeed, ‘closed

The Speckled Trout Review, ‘jackdaw

Ver Open Poetry Competition, selected (j Jaqueline Saphra)

WoLF Poetry Competition, shortlisted (j Roz Goddard)


Allegro, ‘godparent

Allingham Poetry Prize, shortlisted (j Jo Holmwood, Brian Leyden, Denise Blake & Annemarie Ní Churreáin)

The Black Bough 3, Readers’ Award, ‘what my body remembered, floating in the pool under the olive trees

The Blue Nib, ‘subject to gravity’ and ‘November sends me a postcard

Channel, ‘January sends a short but important memo’

Culpepper Pamphlet Competition, highly commended (j Lucy Turnbull)

The Eildon Tree, ‘lift high the cups’, ‘the art of self compassion’ & ‘miscellany’

The Friend, ‘A Friend reads Psalm 139 in Meeting’

Iceberg Tales, ‘sea stones

The Lake, ‘that pink house round the corner’ & ‘becoming photographs

Poetry Birmingham, ‘how knowledge comes’ and ‘wormholes and paradox’

The Selkie, ‘what it can look like

Sentinel Literary Quarterly Competition, highly commended, ‘mandatory blackbird poem(j Roger Elkin)

Ver Poets, runner up, ‘witness’ (j Kathryn Maris)

Wells Poetry Prize, shortlisted (j Simon Armitage)


Aurora, mentioned (j Penelope Shuttle)

Vernal Equinox, commended, ‘more trees, and the ramsons beneath them’ (j Andy Jackson)


Bedford Poetry Prize, shortlisted (j Ian McEwen)

Plough Prize, longlisted (j Philip Gross)

Salopian Poetry Society, winner. ‘sea glass’ (j Alison Chisholm)


South Cumbria Poet Laureate

Lucy’s records get a bit vague before this, but she has been published in EnvoiLiterary OxygenPoetry Cornwall, The Quiet Feather, The Salopeot, Literary Oxygen and various other anthologies. She has been a winner in Litfest Poetry Competition, The Writers’ Brew Club and the Ottaker’s & Faber Poetry Competition (in which she’s twice also been runner up). She’s taken 3rd in the Scottish International Open Poetry Competition, the Cadenza Poetry Competition and the Envoi International Poetry competition (in which she has also been highly commended). Lucy was 4th in the Carillon-Metro Poetry competition, and has been highly commended in Poets Anonymous Competition, and commended in the Margate Poetry Competition.

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