PLEASE NOTE that WAWW and the 42 groups are now back to meeting face to face, with reasonable precautions and courtesies observed. Hurrah!
One offs/special events (forthcoming events are in italics)
18th March 2022 7.30 Friends Meeting House Kendal: an evening of poetry: a bring-and-share a poem section followed by refreshments and then a chance to hear Lucy read from current and forthcoming work
14th September Guest reader at
13th April 2021 ‘Meet the poet’ with Oz Hardwick & me, on Homestage. You can listen to the show here.
Regular events
The What are Words Worth? group, funded by The Wordsworth Trust, meets monthly to share poetry, coffee and talk. We meet on the first Thursday in the month at Finkle’s cafe in Kendal. It’s an open, friendly, informal group, for which there is no charge. Just drop me a line if you’d like to come.
The 42 group is a thriving community of people who meet, September to June, to talk about—yes: life, the universe and everything. Each meeting starts with poems on whatever the day’s topic is; then the discussion goes where it will. I bring a poem to get the group started, and everyone else is welcome to bring whatever they thought of in relation to that month’s topic—or just bring themselves. (There’s never a shortage of material!) Some people talk, some people listen; some attend regularly, some bob in and out. It’s about having a shared space and time for mulling on what it is to be human. This, too, is an open group, and new members are always welcome.
We meet 7-9 pm on the second Wednesday in the month at the Castle Street Community Centre in Kendal. Sessions are £10 each, or £36 for a term of 4 meetings. Again, just drop me a line if you’d like to give it a try.