Dec 10, 2020
#art, #Auden, #ballad, #content, #experience, #folk tale, #form, #innocence, #lyric, #meaning, #Pater, #Philip Larkin, #reader response, #Walter Pater, #WH Auden
by Lucy Crispin
Walter Pater says somewhere or other, I forget where, that “All art constantly aspires towards the condition of music”. He continues, “For while in all other kinds of art it is possible to distinguish the matter from the form, and the understanding can always make this distinction, yet it is the constant effort of art to obliterate it.” What I take from this is something about the relationship between form and content: how in the best poems the equation is not form plus content = meaning, but form times content = impact/connection/experience. And this week’s poem seems to me to be one which ‘aspires’ successfully. Have a read of ‘As I Walked Out One Evening‘ by Auden, and see what you think.
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